In this article, we are going to answer the first question people have when looking to buy a pug – how much does a pug cost? We will explore pug prices from around the globe, factors that affect the price and the true cost of owning a pug.

One of the fist things you will notice when you have made the decision to get a pug, would be the price. First things first, pugs aren’t cheap! Over the last 2-3 years popularity of pugs has increased and you’ll find pug merchandise in many clothing and fashion outlets (Visit our shop) and this may have had an impact on their price. So how much does a pug cost?

Typically the cost of a pug depends on 3 factors:

The main factor is your location, where pug prices can vary hugely depending on the country where you live. Here are the main countries and the price range:

Here in the United Kingdom a pug will range from £600 up to £1500 in some cases. Here is a rough guide of prices from around the world:
USA: Between $700 to $1500 American Dollars.
Canada: Between $600 to $2400 Canadian dollars.
Australia: $1400 on average.
India: 6000 to 10,000 Rupees (which is equal to $224 U.S. dollars or £180 English Pounds)

You have all seen them, the pugs with the golf-ball bulging eyes, the heavy breathing or the Miley Cirus tongue impersonators. The quality of the breeder is vital for a healthy pug and this is where you will see the biggest fluctuation in price. Some puppies maybe priced higher because their breeder feels that they have some show potential.

3-Supply and Demand
Pug Prices fluctuate throughout the year but are typically higher between late spring and during winter holidays, as this a more common times to purchase a pug as the new owner will have a holiday or vacation. When it comes down to business, pugs prices rise when the demand for puppies is high.

A breeder will start to advertise the puppies from about 5-6 weeks and aim to find homes for them by the time of 8-9 weeks. After this time, their value will slowly decrease as new potential owners are ideally looking to take him or her home about 8 weeks – when it is ready to be away from its mother. If those Pugs are not sold and reach the age of 3-4 months old, its likely the breeder will either advertise them at a ‘sale price’ or decide to keep them and integrate the next breeding schedule.

Other things to consider

Buying an adult pug
If you want to skip the puppy training period, you will find that adult pugs are normally considerably cheaper that pug puppies. For whatever reason, the dog owners can no longer keep their pug you would expect to pay half the price of a pug puppy.

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