Hi! Woof! Welcome to Pugguide.com
Firstly, let me introduce the team behind Pugguide.com. My name is Jay and my role is building and marketing the website, if you've found this page then I must be doing a pretty pawsome job. Tash is my Fiancé and she creates all the cool, interesting content on the site and looks after our social media. And last but no means least our 10 month old pug Roy! Roy plays a vital role, whether its sitting for photos, modeling products or chewing our trouser legs whilst we type. Together, we make a pretty great team.
We want to make pugguide.com the best online resource for everything pug related, we have a long way to go so please support us by signing up to our newsletter and check back daily.
Our Story
We visited the event Cruffs (UK dog event) back in July 2014 and instantly fell in love with pugs. We took as may photos as we could and spend a whole hour chatting to the breeders. Our minds were made up. For the next 12 months we saved up, researched into different breeders and tried to learn everything about pugs.We want to make pugguide.com the best online resource for everything pug related, we have a long way to go so please support us by signing up to our newsletter and check back daily.
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